Monday, December 12, 2005

Night at the Opera

That's what this last piece I'm working on is called. It's in the Dec05/Jan06 issue of "Beadwork Magazine". This piece was created by Diane Dennis. I'm hoping on wearing it New Years Eve. I think that I'm going to be needing some more seed beads...That box is almost empty!

I didn't go Scrapbooking on Friday. We got 4 - 6" of snow early that morning and they said we might get more. So I just didn't feel like the hassle of driving and lugging in all the stuff..Next time.

Saturday I went to Rock N' Country's Christmas dance. It was fun. A lot of dancing. Chatting with good friends and just a plain old good time!

Sunday was the Pizza Party for Rock N' Country. The pizza was good (not going to say what the service was like) and nice sitting and chatting with friends. A special little friend was there and he's so cute! He's nine months old and just adorable! He's at all the dances, you really don't realize he's there. I think it's because he was a little more awake and in a very flirting mood....To cute!

My friend is in surgery today. May God be with her and I hope for speedy recovery.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

"Wedded Bliss"

Yep, that's what I call these shoes. The guild had challenge to bead a shoe.(nautrally I done both) The shoes took at least 60 hrs to bead embroider. I took second place in the"Sexy" catagory.....that made me very very happy!
I found out that I won some silver pieces on E-Bay. They're Karen Hill Tribe. Can't wait to get them....but of course I placed bids on some other pieces. LOL

Photo by: R. Treusch

Gee..It's Cold Outside.

I can't believe how cold it's been!! Later on today we're suppose to get snow. Oh well...I really can't complain. We really do need it! Huh? You say. Well Christmas is coming!

I was reading on a forum earlier about the 10 top irritating Christmas songs.
Here they are:
10. The Christmas Song
9. Here comes Santa Claus. Right down "Santa Claus Lane."
8. Adam Sandler's Chanukah song
7. Jingle Bell Rock
6. White Christmas
5. Silver Bells
4. Holly Jolly Christmas
3. The Christmas Song by the Chipmunks
2. Jingle Cats meowing "Kitties We Have Heard on High
#1 most ear-ritating holiday song is... Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
Oh Come On!!! It's the season to celebrate, not complain. These people and their "We have to be politically correct" bull....Ok I ain't going to go there.

Boy this weekned will be a busy one for me. Friday is Scrapbooking. I really need to get caught up with all my pictures. Saturday Rock n' Country Productions is putting on a dance..Yeaa! And Sunday is our Pizza Christmas party! I hope we don't get to much snow!
Hopefully...I'll be able to post more later.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Busy! Busy Busy!

The Holidays are just around the corner...So much to little time to do it all! Oh Well! Life does go on...hehehe. I want to post some pictures of some of my work. I guess that'll have to wait....Soon! (I just got a digital camera. Now I have to read up on how it works...I do want to use it to it's fullest capacity!)

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

My first blog.....WOW

I thought I'd try my hand at blogging. This will be something very different for me.