Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sharon Agbay-Stokes - Rest in Peace

Tuesday, April 20, 2010, Sharon Agbay-Stokes had passed away, after dealing with many medical issues. She had left behind many who had loved! Michael, Nancy, Robert and Brenda are her four beautiful children.
Sharon was not only my sister-in-law, but she was my friend. Her and her sister, Mickey, (yes she is my sister-in-law also!) Had help me through a very difficult time in my life and I will always remember them for this.

Rest in peace Sharon, I will miss you!

In picture above: Brenda Stokes-Boling; Sharon Agbay-Stokes and Jason

Thursday, March 11, 2010

It's Been 45 Months Since I Quit!

I can't believe it. Yesterday I got an email saying that it's been 45 months since I quit smoking. It also said that I saved $7,123.25. Boy it would have been nice if I would have banked it, but I've supported some of my favorite beads stores instead . Oh well, we can't have everything! One thing that I have to remember and I do think about that I'm an addict and very afraid of smoking again. I've heard of so many people who have quit for a long period of time to right start back up again...I just pray and say please don't let me!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Time Flies

Gee I can't believe it is almost March! Time flies when your having fun. lol

Feb 17th thou Feb 21st the guild I belong to, GreatLakes Beadworkers Guild brought in four national instructors to teach us guild members. Nancy Cain, Tracey Stanley, Dallas Lovett and Huib Petersen. They are great artists in their own rights. Tracey is into metal, who has also teamed up with Janice Berkebile. Nancy Cain, a bead artist who knows a lot about the science behind the beading. Dallas Lovett, who works in SS wire and beads. All I can say about him is he has magical fingers!! Last but not least, Huib Peretsen, Huib is a great bead artist who works in Russian bead stitches. Now I have to find the time to finish the class projects (Huib's Water Lilies, Nancy's Crystal Petal Necklace and Dallas's Petite La Fleur). Plus do all the kits and patterns that I had bought.
Now, I need to catch up on my Bead Journal Pages and my bracelet swap!